Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2011

Raus aus der Schusslinie - ab an die Front!

Guttenberg auf dem Weg nach Afghanistan - den Soldaten dürfte die akademische Debatte in der Heimat des Verteidigungsministers ziemlich Schnuppe sein.  Das weiß dieser natürlich ....
Wieviel Kennedy steckt in ihm, fragten die Mäuse schon vor einiger Zeit. Auch bei jenem gab es Diskussionen um sein Buch : "Profiles in Courage". Geschadet hat sie ihm nicht ...

Auf Wikipedia finden wir dazu :

"Profiles in Courage is a 1955 Pulitzer Prize-winning biography describing acts of bravery and integrity by eight United States Senators throughout the Senate's history. The book profiles senators who crossed party lines and/or defied the public opinion of their constituents to do what they felt was right and suffered severe criticism and losses in popularity because of their actions. The book was widely celebrated and became a best seller. John F. Kennedy claimed to be its author, but there are credible allegations that most of it was the work of his speechwriter, Theodore Sorensen."

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